Level A
Baby Steps to Coding and Cognitive Development
At the age of 4 - 7, kids start relating cause and effect in relatively abstract environments such as computers. This course, therefore, teaches kids how to get along with the computer and its basic elements, while providing a suitable environment for an early coding (or precoding) experience. They are introduced to the basics of Sequence, Loops and Events. Nothing drives kids towards learning more than seeing their creation working on the computer!
The course is further divided into three levels : Level A0 (for Kindergarten), Level A1 (for Grade 1) and Level A2 (for Grade 2).
Spatial Sense and Reasoning, Early experience of problem solving, Introduction to debugging, Sequencing, Sense of alternate ways, Cause and effect, Elementary idea on Events, Safety in Virtual World.
Story Telling, Storytime line, Characters, Voice and Background sound, Emotions and Expressions, Drawing and Colouring, Premises, Story Plotting, Dialogue writing, Code Blocks HandsOn, Making a story using code blocks.
Learning Objectives:
40 Live Sessions in Total. Every Week - Two Sessions.
One Teacher to three students
Batch of three students.
Individual students can register.
Price: 29999 INR Only
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